Academic - Vocabs ♥

contribute to - Every member of the group must contribute to finish the presentation.

insight - The teacher's explanations give insight into what drama really means.

evident - Her actions made it so evident that she was mad at her boyfriend.

express - I express my anger either by yelling or crying.

A Boy Named Sue - Mia Linda Mary ♥

Ethnography - We ♥ AIS :]

Using Information to Solve a Problem - Vocabs ♥

potentially - They are potentially breaking up because there are a lot of fights going on lately. 
proposal - As the student council, we presented our proposal of having a costume contest on Halloween. 
hazards - A knife is a major hazard for a three-year-old kid.
empowered - The teachers are empowered to run the class and create rules however they want.
ample - Everyone should know that they only need an ample amount of necessities. They can't ask for more than that just because they want it to make them look better than others.

Drumbeats and Bullets & The Drummer Boy of Shiloh - Vocabs ♥

intensified - As his singing voice intensified, the whole audience began to stand up and sing along.

vital - The drummer is vital in a band because he's the one who keeps the beat and rhythm of the songs they're playing.

immortality - The idea of immortality can bring tons of happiness to people. They can try to have a healthier and happier life in order to live forever.

legitimate - It is legitimate for all children to go to school and access education.

tremor - Everyone lost their balances because of the tremor in the ground. An earthquake was coming.

Glogster ♥

Academic & Camp Harmony - Vocabs ♥

observation - For an experiment, the scientists usually write down their observations first before drawing any conclusion.

emphasize - If we want to emphasize a sentence in a piece of writing, we can just make it bold, italic, or underline it.

reaction - Her reaction to the breakup was just simply bursting into tears.

define - Dictionaries are the simplest way to define words.

tersely -  As soon as he ran up on stage with a loose tie and a pair of untied shoes, he tersely began his speech.

breach - A breach on the ship sank everything and killed everyone on board.

riveted - Taylor Swift always rivets everyone's attention by her amazing voice.

vigil - She always keeps a constant vigil over her boyfriend so that he can't be around with other girls.