Flowers for Algernon


In my opinion, I think that people who dislike others who are different from them are really mean and selfish. There is nothing wrong of being special and different.

For example, before Charlie had his operation, Joe Carp, Frank Reilly and people in the factory always teased him and made fun of him by saying things like 'pull a Charlie Gordon' or asking him to buy the newspaper to ditch him at the party. However, when Charlie had his operation already and he was getting smarter everyday, people started to ignore him and didn't want to get close to him anymore. 

Whether he was too dumb, because he's got the IQ of 68, which is low for an average person, or when he was too smart, people disliked him, just because he was different, and to me, that is really not fair. I think Joe, Frank and others did that because they despite him when he's not smart, and they were really jealous of him when he became a genius. I don't think it's necessary to compare ourselves to other people. Rather than that, we can just respect ourselves, others, and the community. That would make life a lot easier. 

If people like Joe or Frank just take a little time to put themselves in the position of Charlie, they would understand what it feels like to be dumb, or later on, to be so smart. "Before, they laughed at me and despised me for my ignorance and dullness; now, they hate me for my knowledge and understanding. What in God's name do they want of me? They've driven me out of the factory. Now I'm more alone than ever before..." (71) Charlie Gordon would never feel that way if people around him whom he thought that they were his friends just tried once to be his REAL and TRUE friends. They could have listened to him and understood that being smart means a lot to him, so they could support him to make him happy and proud of himself.

Therefore, my conclusion is that anyone in the community should treat EVERYBODY equally, and don't see others differently even when they're the dumbest people on earth, or the smartest genius in the history.


I'm Mary and I'm 13 this year. I've studied in AIS since last year and I really love being here. I have such great and awesome friends and they're always there for me when I've got problems or anything I love to hang out with them to watch movies, or to go shopping [even though I really hate shopping]. 

 My hobbies are simple - going out, listening to music, playing basketball, and drawing weird stuffs when I'm bored. ;)

Also, I'm soooo obsessed with FACEBOOK ♥ It's one of my favorite ways to contact and of course, have fun with my friends *BIG SMILE* The other ones are YAHOO and definitely SKYPE ♥

I'm pretty friendly [got it from my dear daddy ♥], but also impatient and I can get mad easily sometimes [and this one's from my mommy ;)]. I have a pretty cool family, but they all expect a lot from me, especially my mom. That's why I ALWAYS have to try hard to get good grades, and that's also why I'm a NERD

This is my last year in AIS, and also in Vietnam, because I'm going to America, so my friends and I are sure going to ROCK this year There are a lot of new teachers, and they all seem very nice, so I'm looking forward to enjoying this school year with them. And of course I really want to study well in Social Studies class with Mr. Blake.

So that's pretty much all about me. Now let's check out a few pictures of me with my friends :)

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Yahoo! ♥
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